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For students being suspended or dismissed from their New England boarding schools, DK Associates offers a unique service to schools and families. 25 years ago, the headmaster of a boarding school in New Hampshire called Peter Duston and asked if DK Associates could take a Korean student on suspension since it made little sense to send that student back home for 4 days. With Peter’s history in boarding schools, college counseling and international student placement, he had many professional connections with schools and programs and years of experience with adolescents. DK has since assisted many students, schools and families with suspended or dismissed students as well as medical and vacation respite needs. Our team is prepared to come and pick up your student on short notice; to bring that student to our homes in Cherryfield, Maine for respite, evaluation and guidance; and return your student to school with a report of our observations. Typical suspensions are for a minimum of 3 days to a maximum of 2 weeks, with 5-7 days the average, and are usually for rules violations at the student’s school or program:
  • DK Associates assesses the issues surrounding the suspension to determine underlying causes.
  • Adolescent substance abuse evaluations are provided.
  • Academic work is coordinated with the school and monitored with tutors as needed.
  • Recreation – hikes, bikes and fresh air as appropriate.
  • Community service if required or appropriate.
  • Attendance at AA/NA and contact with young adults in recovery.
  • Participation in family and small town activities.
  • Goal setting and college counseling is included if appropriate to the suspension.

A detailed report with recommendations will be furnished to the school and family from a “fresh” perspective. We have been able to identify specific issues that the school and parents should be aware of and suggested strategies to address those student needs. For substance use/abuse issues, one-on-one daily advising is available to include experiential and hands-on interaction with our experienced team member. Imagine your son, daughter, or student talking about “pot smoking” with our case manager who has been “there” while going on a hike.

Snow removal is a standard wintertime activity in Maine!
Some of our students on a bike ride!

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